Tag Archives: loop

String Loop AP CS A Practice Multiple Choose Question

Below is an AP styled multiple choice question involving involving a while loop over a string and the indexOf() method. What is the result of the call to the method [crayon-67b9846b0dceb726301363-i/] [crayon-67b9846b0dcf2191012553-i/]  Error returns 1 infinite loop returns 3 returns 2   [crayon-67b9846b0dcf3044094263/]   Scroll down  for answer.   The answer is [crayon-67b9846b0dcf5714432691-i/]  Error returns 1 infinite … Continue reading String Loop AP CS A Practice ...

How to Loop over a List in Python

Lists are cool, and one of the first things you’re going to want to do is loop over a list. The  diagram below that breaks down how each part of this type of loop works: Now, this type of loop is called a foreach loop, and it’s a straightforward way to gain access to each element in the list. Let’s … Continue reading How to Loop over a List in Python →