Tag Archives: Penjee app

Why Learn Python as Your First Programming Language?

Why Learn Python as Your First Programming Language? So, you decided you want to learn programming, congratulations! You are about to begin a journey that , I hope, is as stimulating and rewarding for you as it was for myself! But the first question is–Which programming language should you first learn?? We thought long and … Continue reading Why Learn Python as Your First Programming Language? →

Learn Python Visually with Penjee

Learn Python Visually with Penjee Two of the biggest ways that Penjee makes learning to code in Python are Visual Python coding the ease of setting up your coding environment (you don’t need to set up an IDE like Sublime Text for instance) Let’s look at  point #1 in more depth. There are two main ways that … Continue reading Learn Python Visually with Penjee →