Hi Low Game Part I – Microbit Project

Let’s Create a Hi Low Guessing Game for the Microbit using Python code. The way that the program will work is that we will randomly generate an integer between 1 and 10 and ask the user to try to guess that number . The user will guess that number based on how many times they press the  button_a . We will use a while  True loop to   keep the program running until the user guesses the randomly generated number. This is a multi-part lesson.

Part I. Warm-up .

Create a variable called cpuNumber that stores a random int between 0-9 . Below is the first part of the code.  Please


Can you finish the line 4  up above? (Scroll down to see solution)

Can you finish the line 4  up above? (Scroll down to see solution)

Now, we are close. However, the python code will generate a random integer between 0 and 9.


How can we generate a random number between 1 and 10?

I’ll give you two hints.

Hint #1 : It involves a little arithmetic

Hint #2 : You want to increase the entire range 0-9  by 1 so that the new range is 1-10

Scroll down to see one of the ways to do it.

As you can see above,  all you have to do is add 1 to the last line of code!