Tag Archives: learn python

Python for Middle Schoolers . Keep It simple, Visual and process oriented

As you know, here at Penjee we’re a big fan of learning Python as your first programming language! For the last 5 years or so, there has been a big push to teach block based coding  like Scratch to middle schoolers.  And while, many middle schools continue to use these drag and drop programs like Scratch ,   kids … Continue reading Python for Middle Schoolers . Keep It simple, Visual and process oriented →

Example of a Penjee Challenge

One of the main goals of Penjee is to make learning to program fun for kids,  The main way that we do this is by making each ‘assignment’ a challenge. Here’s a walk through of one of the first challenges a student must attempt. We call this one “Grab() 4 fish And Avoid Water”. Each … Continue reading Example of a Penjee Challenge →

Water is bad [A Penjee Challenge]

We are working hard on creating our first set of Penjee challenges. We break our challenges up into units. In the first unit, the goal is to master some basic Penjee syntax . Things like how to make a penguin: [crayon-67a9d35a97c8d408358832-i/] , how to waddle()[crayon-67a9d35a97c91529228636-i/] and how to grab() a fish [crayon-67a9d35a97c93113444457-i/] In this assignment, the student … Continue reading Water is bad [A Penjee Challenge] →