Tag Archives: teaching ideas

Jeroo Spell Letter Assingment [Python]

I. Copy and paste this code  below in the Jeroo “IDE”. Run the code several times until you understand what is going on, then try experimenting with the code, changing it around until you are comfortable with the basic methods of a Jeroo II. Objective: Have a Jeroo spell out the lettter “Z ” in the … Continue reading Jeroo Spell Letter Assingment [Python] →

Jeroo While Loop Assignments #3 [Python]

In the previous assignments, we worked on writing some basic loops. Now, let’s work on writing loops and then executing commands. Loop Assignment 3 A Add two flowers to the prior assignment’s map. After the loop is over, add some commands to move to the 2 flowers and pick() both of them. Loop Assignment 3 B In … Continue reading Jeroo While Loop Assignments #3 [Python] →