Category Archives: Python

What’s an elif in Python? [Answered with vids and gifs]

In short,  an “elif”  means “else  if”.. If you’ve used other programming languages, you’re probalby used to writing [crayon-67c0cb21c0440231122128-i/]  or [crayon-67c0cb21c0446103961318-i/] , but python contracts that to the single word [crayon-67c0cb21c0447303223177-i/]  .   The video below, from our middle school cu rriculum for teaching kids python, explains how to use an elif     If  you’re not a video … Continue read...

Pygame Add Image to Surface

So, you know how to make a simply pygame window, and now you want to do something a bit more interesting, aye? How do you  add an image to your pygame surface ? In this quick tutorial, we’ll show you exactly that. So that your finished product will look like is the following picture :     … Continue reading Pygame Add Image to Surface →

Loop Animated Gifs in Python

Explaining loops to someone who has never programmed before can be quite challenging. In fact, one of the  main goals of Penjee is to decrease the friction students typically feel when they first learn to hand code. One of the primary lessons that students must try to wrap their heads around is –  “What is a … Continue reading Loop Animated Gifs in Python →