Category Archives: Education

Fibonacci Sequence Code and Animation Explained

The Fibonacci Sequence is one of the classic recursive algorithms that you learn in computer science. Mathematically, the fibonacci sequence looks like this f(x) = f(x-1) + f(x-2)  and base values of either f0 =0 and f1=1 The Java Code Download the Java Code [crayon-66a4a14866e4b660167271/] The Python Code Download the Python Code [crayon-66a4a14866e53811140889/] Fibonnacci Recursion … Continue reading Fibonacci Sequence Code and Animation Explained →

5 Things Homeschoolers Get from Learning to Code

Hour of Code, coding camps, hackathons – there’s a lot of hype around kids learning to code. Why? Because of the money.   The U.S. Department of Labor predicts there will be 1.4 million computer-specialist job openings by 2020. But current estimates say approximately 71% of those positions will go unfilled. So those who enter … Continue reading 5 Things Homeschoolers Get from Learning to Code →

5 Tips for the AP Computer Science A Exam

Tip 1  : Floating Point Error! If you are asked to compare doubles with either “==” or “!=” the answer is probably “Floating point error”!   (demo of floating point error in Java)   Tip 2 : Constructors are not inherited! The code below fails because constructors are not inherited! public class SuperClass{ } public class … Continue reading 5 Tips for the AP Computer Science A Exam →