All posts by Vern

Troubleshooting Penjee. Common Student Errors

So, you tried to complete a Penjee challenge and you did not receive the message below:   Below are the most common reasons for this problem. Reason #1 : (Very rare, but frustrating) You are 100% sure your code  is correct but the assignment isn’t completing. Though this happens very  rarely, sometimes the web page does not load all of the … Continue reading Troubleshooting Penjee. Common Student Errors →

Python for Middle Schoolers . Keep It simple, Visual and process oriented

As you know, here at Penjee we’re a big fan of learning Python as your first programming language! For the last 5 years or so, there has been a big push to teach block based coding  like Scratch to middle schoolers.  And while, many middle schools continue to use these drag and drop programs like Scratch ,   kids … Continue reading Python for Middle Schoolers . Keep It simple, Visual and process oriented →

RandomLetterChoose AP A-thoughts and analysis

One of the 2016 AP Computer Science A questions, [crayon-67ba306b3bae2144030783-i/] ,  asked students to write a class declaration from scratch. The constructor receives a parameter of non-null Strings The class has a [crayon-67ba306b3bae7410240151-i/]  method that returns a random [crayon-67ba306b3bae8925473144-i/] from that list . Each element in the list can only be returned once, and after all of the elements … Continue reading RandomLetterChoose AP A-thoughts and analysis &rarr...