Category Archives: Computer Science

5 Reasons Not to Upgrade to Python 3

  Reason 1 : Major Unicode Changes In Python 3, strings are unicode by default. No big deal, right? Depending on what you’re working on, it might be bigger than you might think. One of the biggest gripes from within the Python community about this change has come from the Flask project. Flask specifically chose … Continue reading 5 Reasons Not to Upgrade to Python 3 →

Fibonacci Sequence Code and Animation Explained

The Fibonacci Sequence is one of the classic recursive algorithms that you learn in computer science. Mathematically, the fibonacci sequence looks like this f(x) = f(x-1) + f(x-2)  and base values of either f0 =0 and f1=1 The Java Code Download the Java Code [crayon-67a9c136decf8959413325/] The Python Code Download the Python Code [crayon-67a9c136ded01817497092/] Fibonnacci Recursion … Continue reading Fibonacci Sequence Code and Animation Explained →

Binary numbers – floating point conversion

A binary number with 8 bits (1 byte) can represent a decimal value in the range from 0 – 255. However, this only includes whole numbers and no real numbers (e.g. fractions) like 0.5 or 20.456 etc. To represent all real numbers in binary form, many more bits and a well defined format is needed. … Continue reading Binary numbers – floating point conversion →